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Say goodbye to ingrown hairs, burns of old-school waxing, and shaving! You won’t miss them at all!! Our standard use is an antibacterial, soft wax that’s top quality to protect & nurture your skin.
Waxing Services
- Brow
- Lashes
- Full Face
- Chin
- Ears
- Upper Lip
- Nose
- Back
- Underarms
- Lower/Upper Arms
- Full Arms
- Chest
- Lower Legs
- Upper Legs
- Bikini
- Brazilian
Waxing Preparation
Let your hair grow! Before any waxing appointment do not pluck, shave, etc. for at least a week. Hair should be about 1/4 inch (Basically, it needs to be long enough to grab with your fingertips). If your hair is coarse, hair length shouldn’t exceed ½ inch; if it’s too long use scissors to trim it. Due to increased sensitivity, women should avoid waxing within 4 days of their menstrual cycle. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we do not perform Brazilian waxing for men at this time.
Generally, waxing lasts from 2-6 weeks.
Pricing ranges from $15-$75
Follow Us On Social Media for Specials or Call For Bundles